Soar with SAROTA PR

Public relations for the technology sector with proven results.

For almost twenty years, we’ve ensured our clients’ presence on the internet, radio, press, and television, building their positive reputations.

18 years

of experience in tech communication

74 NPS score

we are world-class in customer loyalty.

2200 journalists

we maintain strong relationships with

130 publications

delivered for our clients over the years

We collaborate with top global brands


We are proud members of the Worldcom Public Relations Group, sharing expertise and resources with leading PR agencies worldwide.

What our clients think of us

We are proud of our achievements

Case study: Communicating about the Polish Deal

Case study: Communicating about the Polish Deal

Find out how our agency, through expert PR and effective media relations, has enabled inFakt to become one of the most visible commentators on the Polish Deal tax reform.

Case study: Report on House Building in Poland

Case study: Report on House Building in Poland is a lead generator site whose main goal is to facilitate commercial transactions, in particular contacting potential buyers with the best suppliers of products and services.

Case Study: #IAmAGamer

Case Study: #IAmAGamer

sapphireSAPPHIRE Technology is a global computer hardware vendor. The company specializes in graphics cards which are the most important components from gamers' point of view.

Tell us about your needs

Want to find out how we can help your brand with public relations? Fill out a short form, and we’ll get in touch to discuss the details.