Case study: stop the morning after


Together with AlcoSense, we leveraged the topic of stricter penalties for intoxicated drivers to promote habits that increase road safety, reaching an audience of more than 5 million. Learn more about our award-winning campaign.


Every year, the Polish police arrest tens of thousands of drivers, driving after drinking alcohol. Up to one in four Polish drivers admit that they may have been driving under the influence of alcohol without realizing their condition - we call this the morning after effect.

To fight with it, the Polish government decided to introduce a vehicle confiscation penalty for drunk driving. The topic has garnered a lot of public attention, and we decided to use it to promote the message about the morning after and good habits of drivers, such as giving up driving after drinking at all or making sure about one's sobriety with a breathalyzer every time.


To reinforce the message and provide the media with valuable information, we conducted a survey on a representative group of drivers, uncovering unique data about the problem of morning after and opinions about the new regulations.

A few days before the introduction of the vehicle confiscation penalty, we held a media event where we presented the results of the survey for the first time. We invited three independent experts - a lawyer and representatives of road safety NGOs - who commented on the problem and the survey data during a meeting with journalists. One of the goals was to draw more media attention to the need to communicate more often on how to prevent drunk driving instead of focusing on its tragic effects.

We prepared a total of 12 press materials, each of which contained a message about the morning after effect and ways to avoid it. To support the media relations efforts, we created a series of 20 special posts for AlcoSense social media channels.


The campaign generated widespread media interest in the problem of the morning after effect and the topic of the new regulations.

During its duration, 421 publications and 4374 materials  within the network were published.

The topic was covered by, among others: Gazeta Wyborcza,,,,,,,, and, as well as leading automotive and trade outlets including,, and Fleet. AlcoSense experts were invited to comment on the topic for TVP Info, Antyradio, Radio Plus and Radio Four, among others.

We managed to highlight the educational aspect in the media discourse on drunk driving and laying the groundwork for further brand activities in the future.

The campaign received an award in the 'Automotive and Transportation' category at Złote Spinacze, the most prestigious Polish PR industry contest.
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